Decisions are stateless systems represented using acyclic graphs. As such, they persist any information between runs. Graphs are built using nodes and edges. Each node may be connected to another using an edge. Edges are used to pass the data from one node to another (left-side to right-side).
Depending on the node specification it may support an input connection (left-side), and output connection (right side) or both.
Nodes may have multiple connection on both inputs and outputs, this will cause data to be merged during processing.
Each graph must start with an input node. Input node contains all data sent in the context of the request body
Creating a decision
Decisions can be created by navigating to a Project and then clicking on Decisions tab.
Adding nodes
To add a node to the screen drag and drop it from the right side onto the canvas.
Connecting nodes
To connect nodes, drag the edge from one node to the edge of another node. Node inputs (right side) can only be connected to node outputs (right side) and vice versa.
Deleting nodes and edges
To delete a nodes or an edges, select them and press ⌫
or press the delete button on triggered by pressing three dots (...).

Node Menu
Copying node
To copy a node or nodes simply select nodes and either press ⌘ + C
or Copy in the Node Menu.
To paste a nodes, press ⌘ + V
Version History
To keep track of changes, every save of a decision will create a new version of that decision file. A version is a snapshot of a document decision at a specific time. Versions are meant to be used to roll back to an earlier version.
You are able to preview decision history by pressing link next to the file name in top left corner.
After you click on the link, a list of all versions will be shown on your right side.
Graph and all nodes for the versions are read only. You can also simulate decision version by pressing Open Simulator button. For more details please refer to simulator documentation.
At any point you are also able to restore any version. By restoring version, GoRules will create a new copy and place it as a current active decision while previously active decision will become most recent version.
You can also publish any document version by just selecting version and pressing Publish on the top right.
Updated 2 months ago