Deploy self-hosted GoRules BRMS on your infrastructure/cloud and control your data.

Obtain License Key

Before you can use BRMS you must obtain a license key. You can do that by signing up for self-hosted GoRules.

Enter your business Email and you will receive code on your Email. Upon successfully entering the code you will get access to the organisation portal. After signing up you will get the access to a dashboard where you can manage license keys for multiple environments.

Create a new environment by clicking Create environment button on the right. Next, enter a name for the environment (e.g. DEV or STAGING or PROD) and then press Create.

As seen on the image above, upon creation you will see a new environment with the status Initial. Copy a LICENSE_KEY from the environment by un-hiding it (click eye icon).

Running locally using docker-compose


For running in Cloud environments please visit Cloud deployment page.

Copy the following contents to docker-compose.yml file, replace LICENSE_KEY obtained from the previous step and run docker-compose up.

version: '3.8'

    image: 'gorules/brms'
      - '9080:80'
      - pg-database
      DB_HOST: pg-database
      DB_PORT: 5432
      DB_USER: my-user
      DB_PASSWORD: my-password
      DB_NAME: test-db
      DB_SSL_DISABLED: true
      LICENSE_KEY: 'my-license-key' # Obtain it from

    image: 'postgres'
      POSTGRES_USER: my-user
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: my-password
      POSTGRES_DB: test-db
      - '5432:5432'

Then run:

docker-compose up


Navigate to http://localhost:9080 where you'll be greeted with a login screen. Input your email and proceed with registration. Shortly after, you'll receive a code in your email inbox. Enter this code to gain access.