Control configuration by setting environment variables.

Minimal Set

Below is the minimal set of environment variables you need to use in order to deploy GoRules BRMS:

DB_HOST=        # Database Host
DB_USER=        # Database User
DB_PASSWORD=    # Database Password
DB_NAME=        # Database Name

LICENSE_KEY=    # License Key obtained from

Advanced Options

# General
APP_NAME=GoRules                 # App name (optional)
APP_URL=http://localhost:4200    # App url (optional)
HOME_URI=/                       # Home URI (optional)

SWAGGER_ENABLED=true             # Enable swagger docs on /api/docs

# Database
DB_PORT=5432                     # Database port (optional)
DB_LOGGING=false                 # Database logging (optional)
DB_SYNCHRONIZE=false             # Enable automatic model synchronization (optional)
DB_MIGRATE=true                  # Enable database migration (optional)
DB_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=true      # Reject unauthorized access for the database. Acts as an SSL bypass. (optional)
DB_SSL_DISABLED=false            # Disable database SSL
DB_SSL_CA=                       # Database SSL Certificate Authority (CA) - base64 encoded. Use to encode your certificate
DB_SSL_CERT=                     # Database SSL Certificate
DB_SSL_KEY=                      # Database SSL Key
DB_SSL_ADVANCED=                 # Advanced SSL Settings provided in JSON. Overrides all DB SSL settings. See JavaScript/interfaces/_node_modules__types_node_tls_d_._tls_.tlsoptions.html for more details

# Authentication and security
SESSION_DURATION_MINUTES=1440    # Duration of signin in minutes (optional)
COOKIE_SECRET=cookie-secret      # Cookie secret (optional) - should be changed

# Email configuration (User invites, authentication, etc) - leave empty to use the GoRules emailing service
EMAIL_ENABLED=true               # Enable email authentication (optional)
EMAIL_URL=   # URL for email (optional)    # Email from (optional)
EMAIL_HOST=                      # SMTP Email host (optional)
EMAIL_PORT=                      # SMTP Email port (optional)
EMAIL_SECURE=false               # SMTP Email secure flag (optional)
EMAIL_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=   # SMTP Email reject unauthorized (optional)
EMAIL_AUTH_USER=                 # SMTP Auth User (optional)
EMAIL_AUTH_PASS=                 # SMTP Auth Pass (optional)

# Microsoft Azure AD OpenID Connect (Business plan+) - available from v1.6.0
SSO_OAUTH2_SCOPES=openid email profile
SSO_OAUTH2_AUTH_URL=             # example<tenant_uuid>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
SSO_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL=            # example<tenant_uuid>/oauth2/v2.0/token
SSO_OAUTH2_AUTHORITY_URL=        # example<tenant_uuid> - important for single tenant setups
SSO_OAUTH2_GROUPS_MAPPING=       # example group_uuid->admin
SSO_OAUTH2_CUSTOM_CLAIM_NAME=.   # example BRMS_groups - available from 1.47.0 (default 'groups')


# Okta OpenID Connect (Business plan+)  available from v1.6.0
SSO_OAUTH2_SCOPES=openid email profile groups
SSO_OAUTH2_AUTH_URL=             # example https://<domain>
SSO_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL=.           # example https://<domain>
SSO_OAUTH2_GROUPS_MAPPING=       # example brms_admin->admin,brms_author->author
SSO_OAUTH2_CUSTOM_CLAIM_NAME=.   # example BRMS_groups - available from 1.47.0 (default 'groups')